I have just published my second book titled ‘A Game’. After not having the full control over my first book I decided to self-publish this time. Go to Books section on this website to buy it 😉
It’s a long story and it all started with the pandemic last year. For the first time ever I had to stop and think about my life. Before I would all the time get distracted by social gatherings, dancing, going out and traveling. But this time I was invited to go inwards and have a journey inside myself. It might seem scary. We avoid it at all cost and make ourselves busy with other things. But I decided to finally do it. I started meditating and breathing consciously. And then I started to get answers to my questions. So I asked myself what do I really want from my life.
One of the answers was writing a book. It was always on my bucket list, together with some other things I started ticking off. In the past I thought that my first book will be connected with my work, based on my research. But with my research project getting stopped by the pandemic, I realized that I should write about the eternal truths I started to remember when I commenced to listen to my heart. The sentences would just come to me, all I had to do was to sit down and write them down. So I did. And it was a total literature – a mix of poetry, journalistic, academic and creative writing. But my publisher decided it was too much and cut the creative writing chapter out. As a more experienced writer he knew that all beginners try to put everything into their first book. So I agreed with him even though to me it didn’t feel right.
I started to look for the silver lining, for the bright side of the situation. And decided that maybe it’s a sign I should take that chapter and extend it into a separate book. So I started to work on my second book, so different from the first. Instead of writing about life in the first person, I just wrote a story. And this time it also came to me, but in another form. It was like watching a movie and writing down what I see. It was like watching my characters, their adventures and hearing them saying their dialogues. All I had to do was to write it down. And so I did again.
Now I feel fulfilled. I do not know if or when I will write another book. Right now I am working on embodying the things that I wrote about and incorporating them into my life. But I do write a weekly blog and do not plan to stop that. Writing still comes to me naturally, and it always did. So, I hope you will enjoy reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it.